Please check for false positives in the output before submitting a patch. When using "patch" mode, carefully review the patch before submitting it. /home/cocci/testing/drivers/net/ipa/ipa_interrupt.c:249:2-9: line 249 is redundant because platform_get_irq() already prints an error warning: line 134: should no_llseek be a metavariable? warning: line 141: should noop_llseek be a metavariable? warning: line 223: should nonseekable_open be a metavariable? warning: line 290: should nonseekable_open be a metavariable? warning: line 338: should nonseekable_open be a metavariable? /home/cocci/testing/drivers/infiniband/ulp/ipoib/ipoib_main.c:333:2-10: WARNING: NULL check before dev_{put, hold} functions is not needed. /home/cocci/testing/lib/checksum_kunit.c:471:27-28: WARNING: Use ARRAY_SIZE /home/cocci/testing/lib/checksum_kunit.c:472:33-34: WARNING: Use ARRAY_SIZE /home/cocci/testing/lib/checksum_kunit.c:474:38-39: WARNING: Use ARRAY_SIZE