Please check for false positives in the output before submitting a patch. When using "patch" mode, carefully review the patch before submitting it. warning: line 134: should no_llseek be a metavariable? warning: line 141: should noop_llseek be a metavariable? warning: line 223: should nonseekable_open be a metavariable? warning: line 290: should nonseekable_open be a metavariable? warning: line 338: should nonseekable_open be a metavariable? /home/cocci/testing/drivers/net/ethernet/mellanox/mlx5/core/en/tc_tun.c:72:2-10: WARNING: NULL check before dev_{put, hold} functions is not needed. /home/cocci/testing/drivers/net/ethernet/mellanox/mlx5/core/en/tc_tun.c:80:2-9: WARNING: NULL check before dev_{put, hold} functions is not needed. /home/cocci/testing/drivers/net/ethernet/mellanox/mlx5/core/en/tc_tun.c:35:2-9: WARNING: NULL check before dev_{put, hold} functions is not needed. /home/cocci/testing/include/net/flow_offload.h:378:6-7: ERROR: iterator variable bound on line 377 cannot be NULL /home/cocci/testing/net/unix/garbage.c:451:17-23: ERROR: invalid reference to the index variable of the iterator on line 483 /home/cocci/testing/net/unix/af_unix.c:2513:1-7: preceding lock on line 2422 /home/cocci/testing/net/unix/af_unix.c:3280:3-9: preceding lock on line 3276 /home/cocci/testing/net/smc/af_smc.c:2562:0-1: preceding lock on line 2489 /home/cocci/testing/drivers/net/ethernet/sfc/tc.c:1584:29-80: WARNING avoid newline at end of message in NL_SET_ERR_MSG_MOD