[ 536.804852] test-bond1: (slave test-bond0): Enslaving as an active interface with an up link [ 536.822568] test-bond0: (slave test-noneth0): The slave device specified does not support setting the MAC address [ 536.822715] test-bond0: (slave test-noneth0): Error -95 calling set_mac_address [ 536.860223] test-bond0: (slave test-bond2): Enslaving as an active interface with an up link [ 536.861106] ip (16956) used greatest stack depth: 12288 bytes left [ 536.908221] test-bond1: (slave test-bond0): Releasing backup interface [ 536.919990] test-bond0 (unregistering): (slave test-bond2): Releasing backup interface [ 536.929862] test-bond0 (unregistering): Released all slaves [ 536.955844] test-bond1 (unregistering): Released all slaves [ 536.989367] test-bond2 (unregistering): Released all slaves [ 537.148522] test-bond1: (slave test-bond0): Enslaving as an active interface with an up link [ 537.167127] test-bond0: (slave test-noneth0): The slave device specified does not support setting the MAC address [ 537.167251] test-bond0: (slave test-noneth0): Setting fail_over_mac to active for active-backup mode [ 537.167408] test-bond0: (slave test-noneth0): making interface the new active one [ 537.167503] test-bond0: (slave test-noneth0): Enslaving as an active interface with an up link [ 537.186807] test-bond0: (slave test-noneth0): Releasing backup interface [ 537.220015] test-bond0: (slave test-bond2): making interface the new active one [ 537.220135] test-bond0: (slave test-bond2): Enslaving as an active interface with an up link [ 537.267991] test-bond1: (slave test-bond0): Releasing backup interface [ 537.284948] test-bond0 (unregistering): (slave test-bond2): Releasing backup interface [ 537.291857] test-bond0 (unregistering): Released all slaves [ 537.316095] test-bond1 (unregistering): Released all slaves [ 537.348672] test-bond2 (unregistering): Released all slaves